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Sunday, 1 January 2012

First 3 miles completed!

Well we've just got back from our first three mile walk in the pouring rain! It wasn't too bad when we started, it was gloomy but dry. I made sure I was prepared by taking two coats (one waterproof, one warm), the pram's raincover, gloves and hat, so I assumed that if it did decide to rain, we'd both be relatively dry and comfortable.

Lola was fine tucked under her rain cover, she even felt it necessary to gloat a little by giving me her hat, scarf and blanket because she was so warm! I, however, got absolutely soaked! I've had to mop the floor in the dining room because my coat was dripping so much by the time I got back. I've also discovered that the shoes I thought were waterproof are not waterproof at all! So needless to say, my radiator is now covered in trainers, socks, trousers (oh yes, my jeans got soaked too and began to chafe!) and coats!

But I feel good - the challenge has well and truly begun now, I'm 3 miles in so only another 997 to go (shudder!)

Let's hope they're not all as sodden as today's walk!

Please, please, please support me by sponsoring the challenge here: www.justgiving.co.uk/1000milesmummy - Tommy's desperately need funds so that they can continue to save babies' lives

Share with your friends and thanks for reading!

Dry as a bone!

Soaked to the skin!

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